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Take Charge of Diabetes: Empower Your Health!

When blood sugar (glucose) levels are excessive, you develop diabetes. A chronic disease that is commonly referred to as "diabetes mellitus."

It happens when your pancreas either doesn't produce any or enough insulin or when your body doesn't react appropriately to insulin's effects. Diabetes affects people of all ages. Diabetes comes in various forms, most of which are chronic (lifelong) and treatable with drugs or by altering one's lifestyle.

 Carbohydrates in your meals and beverages are the primary source of glucose (sugar). It is the primary source of energy for your body. All your body's cells receive glucose from your blood for fuel.

There are several types of diabetes, including type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. 

  • Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition in which

Understanding Acne Scars: Causes, Types, and Treatment Options

 Acne scars are indentations or marks that remain on the skin permanently after acne outbreaks have disappeared. They are brought on by the inflammation and skin damage that acne produces, which can lead to the development of scar tissue.
If you're looking for the best dermatology doctors in KSA region Makkah, Taif to address any concerns you may have related to acne or your skin, you can rely on the expertise of the top dermatologists at Al Adwani General Hospital. Simply contact them to schedule an appointment.
Factors that contribute to acne development  The presence of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and other flaws on the skin is a common sign of acne. Acne development may be influenced by several variables, including;

  • Hormonal Changes:

Clearing the Fog: Understanding Cataracts - Signs, Symptoms, and Effective Treatments

Cataracts are blurred regions that develop on the lens of your eye. Age-related cataracts are by far the most prevalent form. Blurred vision and glare from lights are symptoms. Your cloudy lens is removed during cataract surgery, and an IOL, a clear artificial lens, is placed in its place. Most cataracts develop gradually and won't initially damage your vision. However, cataracts will eventually obstruct your vision as time passes. But you don't need to put up with your vision getting worse.  AL Adwani General Hospital is the best hospital in KSA region Taif for its exceptional medical services, with renowned ophthalmologists who can help you regain your vision. Your cataracts can be removed surgically by ophthalmologists, restoring your eyesight.



Cosmetic Dentistry; Types, Benefits & Importance

Cosmetic dentistry is a specialized field of dentistry that focuses on improving the appearance of a person's smile. The procedures involved in cosmetic dentistry are designed to enhance the aesthetics of the teeth, gums, and mouth and can include everything from teeth whitening to dental implants.  Al- Adwani General Hospital, which has the best doctors in Makkah and can offer you an entire spectrum of services to enhance the appeal of your teeth and gums, is the best option.
Nowadays, Dentists are not only concerned with fixing any dental problems their patients are presently facing; they are also concerned with how to ensure that, even after any issues are resolved, the patients will continue to be proud to flash their smiles.


The Link Between Sleep and Respiratory Health: Understanding the Science

Sleep is a vital component of our well-being to the extent that it is an essential function in rejuvenating and maintaining the body. Sleep is necessary for our bodies to be restored and repaired and for cognitive processes such as memory consolidation and learning. Poor or improper sleep has been associated with various health issues, including respiratory problems. Let us explore the link between sleep and chest-related disorders and the critical scientific factors behind it.
First, let us understand Respiratory Disorders. 
Respiratory disorders are a class of diseases that affect the respiratory system, which is in charge of breathing. The respiratory system comprises the nose, mouth, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Respiratory disorders can be acute or chronic and range from mild to severe. Some common specimens for respiratory disorders

Physiotherapy : The crucial key to rehabilitation of orthopedic injuries.

Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, plays a crucial role in rehabilitating orthopedic injuries and conditions. This has very credible reasons, too. Hence it is known as the fundamental tool of orthopedic care. A skilled physiotherapist can help people recover from injuries, improve their overall mobility, and can be vital in solving future problems. Let us look more closely at the role of physiotherapy in orthopedic rehabilitation. 
To start with, physiotherapy provides a comprehensive and personalized approach to recovery. No two orthopedic injuries or conditions are the same, and a physiotherapist considers this when creating a treatment plan. They will assess the individual's unique needs, strengths, and weaknesses and develop a program tailored specifically to them. This approach helps to ensure that the individual is making progress and recovering in

From Acne to Melasma: Navigating the 5 Most Common Skin Issues.

When it comes to skincare, a variety of conditions can affect your skin's health and appearance. However, some skin conditions are more common than others. Let us take a closer look at the top 5 most common skin conditions and provide information from our expert dermatologists on how to treat them.

Acne: Acne is a common skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, forming pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. Acne can be treated with over-the-counter medications, such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, as well as prescription medications, such as retinoids and antibiotics. Also, maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding foods known to trigger acne, such as sugar and dairy, can help prevent breakouts.

Eczema: Eczema is a chronic skin

The Key to a Healthy Lifestyle? A Comprehensive Guide to Incorporating Physical Activity into Your Routine

Physical activity is essential for good health, but it can be intimidating for those who are new to exercise or have been inactive for a long time. In this blog post, we'll look at the benefits and drawbacks of various types of exercise, as well as offer advice on how to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine safely.

Exercise has numerous advantages. Physical activity regularly can help to improve cardiovascular health, lower the risk of chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, and improve mental health and mood. Improved cognition and reduced short-term feelings of anxiety are some of the immediate benefits that can be experienced in adults. Regular physical activity may also help keep your motor skills and cognitive activity sharp as you age. This also plays

Five misconceptions about internists and internal medicine!

Despite being a vital part of the healthcare system, internists and internal medicine often suffer from misconceptions and misunderstandings. In this blog, we will explore some of the most common misconceptions about internists and internal medicine and provide the facts to help clarify these misunderstandings. 

  • Internists only treat older patients.
While internists have expertise in managing chronic conditions that often affect older adults, such as heart disease and diabetes, they are trained to treat patients of all ages. Internists are often the first point of contact for patients with acute illnesses or injuries, regardless of age.
  • Internists need to be trained to perform surgeries.
Internists are not surgeons and do not perform surgeries. However, they are highly trained in diagnosing and

Are you feeling pressure in your ear? Here are some essential facts that you should be aware of!

Have you felt dizzy lately, with a slight ringing in your ears or feeling full?

Please don't be worried . You are not alone in this, as people commonly experience it at some point. This phenomenon is due to changes in air pressure. When air pressure changes, such as climbing up a mountain or flying in an airplane, the pressure inside and outside ear canals becomes unbalanced. This can cause the eardrum to fluctuate inward and outward motion, often giving an eerie sensation of pressure. In some cases, this sensation might even suggest a sign of a medical condition or infection. As explained by the best ENT doctors, this shift in pressure which causes pain in the ear, is called Ear barotrauma. The middle ear is an air-filled space. The

Five simple hacks for a healthy smile: number 4 might surprise you!

Brushing your teeth is a priority when it comes to dental health. But brushing alone will not suffice to maintain your dental care. Having these simple habits other than brushing can safeguard your dental health. To maintain good oral health, you can follow these five best practices suggested by experts at the best dental clinics across Saudi Arabia.


1. Interdental cleaning 


Interdental brushes are becoming increasingly popular today. These are specially designed brushes that help remove plaque stuck between the teeth. They are used to clean those hard-to-reach spaces between your teeth with normal toothbrushes. Without the use of interdental brushes, dental plaque can build up in the spaces between teeth, which can lead to tooth decay and bad breath.

As prevention is better than

Epidemics, Pandemics, and Healthcare services.

Healthcare services became an essential part of our daily lives, when we are amidst the covid pandemic. Staying aware of the common symptoms can greatly reduce the burden on them. Why not stay informed of the common types of epidemics and pandemics that plague our world recently?  


An epidemic is a disease outbreak that spreads quickly and affects a large number of people. The word comes from the Greek word "epidēmia" which means "affliction with a public show." The distinction between epidemics and pandemics is that pandemics have a much wider reach, often spread over continents.  


Epidemics can be caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, or other microorganisms Chemical or biological agents, such as radiation or toxic substances, can also cause them. They comprise a major